Main page / Useful info about ShapeSheet™ / Visio ShapeSheet reference / ShapeSheet™. List of functions by category
ShapeSheet. Category String functions
Name |
Details |
BLOB Version Added: 2003 |
Decodes a base64 string and stores it as binary data. Syntax BLOB (bintext) |
CHAR Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the ANSI character for a number. Syntax CHAR(number) |
DECIMALSEP Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the decimal separator string for the current user locale. Syntax DECIMALSEP( ) |
EVALTEXT Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Evaluates the text in shapename as if it were a formula and returns the result. Syntax EVALTEXT(shapename!theText) |
FIELDPICTURE Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns a format-picture string that matches the Microsoft Visio internal text field format code. Syntax FIELDPICTURE(code) |
FIND Version Added: 2003 |
Finds one text string contained within another text string, and returns the starting position of the text string you are seeking relative to its position in the text string that contains it. Syntax FIND (find_text, within_text ,[start_num], [ignore_case]) |
FORMAT Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the result of expression as a string formatted according to formatpicture. Syntax FORMAT(expression,"formatpicture") |
FORMATEX Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the result of expression evaluated in srcUnit as a string formatted according to format expressed in dstUnit. Syntax FORMATEX(expression,"format",[srcUnit],[dstUnit],[langID][,calID]) |
INDEX Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the substring at the zero-based location index in the list delimited by delimiter. Or, if the index is out of range, returns an empty string or the optional token provided as the errorvalue argument. Syntax INDEX(index,"list"[,[delimiter][,[errorvalue]]]) |
LEFT Version Added: 2003 |
Returns the left-most character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify. Syntax LEFT(text, [,num_chars_opt]) |
LEN Version Added: 2003 |
Returns the number of characters in a text string. Syntax LEN (text) |
LISTSEP Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns the list-separator string for the current user locale. Syntax LISTSEP () |
LOOKUP Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns a zero-based index that indicates the location of the substring key in a list, or returns -1 if the target string contains the delimiter. Syntax LOOKUP("key","list"[,"delimiter,") |
LOWER Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns a string converted to lowercase. Syntax LOWER(expression) |
MID Version Added: 2003 |
Returns a specific number of characters from a text string, starting at the position you specify, based on the number of characters you specify. Syntax MID (text, start_num, num_chars) |
REPLACE Version Added: 2003 |
Replaces part of a text string, based on the number of characters you specify, with a different text string. Syntax REPLACE (old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text) |
REPT Version Added: 2003 |
Repeats text a given number of times. Syntax REPT (text, number_times) |
REWIDEN Version Added: 2003 |
Converts a formula that produces 16-bit character codes that are widened single-byte or multibyte character-set codes into a string of 16-bit Unicode character codes, using the specified character sets. Syntax REWIDEN(srcCharSet, dstCharSet, text) |
RIGHT Version Added: 2003 |
Returns the last character or characters in a text string, based on the number of characters you specify. Syntax RIGHT(text [,num_chars_opt]) |
STRSAME Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Determines whether strings are the same. It returns TRUE if they are the same and FALSE if they aren't. Syntax STRSAME ("string1", "string2", ignoreCase) |
STRSAMEEX Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Determines whether two strings are the same. Syntax STRSAMEEX ("string1", "string2", localeID, flag) |
SUBSTITUTE Version Added: 2003 |
Replaces part of a text string with a different text string. Syntax SUBSTITUTE (text, old_text, new_text[, start_num][,ignore_case_opt) |
TRIM Version Added: 2003 |
Removes all space from text, except for single spaces between words. Syntax TRIM (text) |
UNICHAR Version Added: 2003 |
Returns the Unicode character from a number. Syntax UNICHAR (number) |
UPPER Version Added: Pre 2003 |
Returns a string converted to uppercase. Syntax UPPER(expression) |